Better Than Rent Student Instrument Portal

Welcome Blair-Taylor Students!

Jump into your school music journey with Schmitt Music’s "Better Than Rent" Instrument Trial Purchase Plan in just 4 steps.

1. Find your school

2. Pick your instrument

3. Fill in your information

4. Plan to play!

Select Your State to Begin!

Select District:
Select School:
Select Instrument:
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After you receive your instrument, just make low monthly payments and enjoy playing music! You can switch instruments or return at any time if it doesn’t work out. Orchestra students get seamless instrument size-ups as they grow! And when your advancing student is ready to upgrade, you can use your credit* toward the purchase of an intermediate or professional-level instrument.

*Earned Equity Credit is calculated as follows: BAND instruments – equal to first 12 months of payments; ORCHESTRA instruments – 100% of payments made to date (up to the full cost of your instrument upgrade).
